Sunday, August 27, 2006

Busy week with the Holiday Bible Club running so that meant I didn't get a day off and consequently couldn't get away for a walk this week.
The Holiday Bible Club worked well with the kids, with the juniors and tinies in the morning, and the older ones in the afternoon and evening.
Finished the week off with a church barbecue on Saturday night in Carnfunnock Country Park outside Larne.
Band parade in Larne meant we were redirected all over the place and the weather then turned showery after being good all afternoon, (typical!) However a good turn out of folks and a night's craic.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Saturday night was Mavis Martin's birthday and we held a surprise party for her in Gilnahirk Golf Club, (or Castlereagh Hills Golf Club as it now is!)
Nice meal and good craic and then we all went back to the Martin's house in Donaghadee.
I was speaking in "Thriving Life" church in Newtownards on the Sunday morning so we stayed overnight and left from there after breakfast.
After church went to see Elia's new apartment in Bangor and went for a walk along the front to Pickie before traveling back to Carrickfergus to preach in my own church that night.

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Thursday night we went for a walk round Brown's Bay down by Islandmagee not far from where we live. Nice bright evening. Took the GPS and found a geocache down near the shore.
Friday morning we set off to climb Slemish, the mountain on which St. Patrick herded sheep. Turned out a much better day than forecast by the weather man.
Nice little visitor's centre at Slemish now though the mountain itself is still as steep a climb as ever! Found a well hidden geocache just over the top on the far side. Had a picnic and picked blaeberries (bilberries I think they are called in England). Going to make blaeberry muffins tomorrow.
Nice walk back down the hill. A few people about. (I think about 5% of visitor's actually climb the hill!)

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Just a quickie. Dave and Satce have posted a vdeo of Caleb crawling. You can see it here