Thursday, March 08, 2007

3/03/2007 I normally take a Friday off but I had to work this Friday so I took off Saturday instead, which was our wedding anniversary, (34th). Good call! Friday had been wet and windy but Saturday turned out to be a cracking day. Went up the North Coast and discovered this cracking cave not far from the Giant's Causeway.
Had a picnic and walked along the cliff tops from The Giant's Causeway towards Port Ballantrae.
Beautiful bright windy day and a really bracing walk. Had planned to have an anniversary meal in the Causeway Hotel but the owner's daughter was getting married that day, (same day as us!) and guests had taken over the whole hotel for the weekend! Some party. So we had an anniversary cup of coffee instead and bought a couple of steaks in a butchers in Bushmills on the way home and had a meal in!


JOY said...

Happy belated anniversary!

You seem to have had a great day. The Antrim Coast is SO beautiful - we try and make a trip down there every couple of weeks.

Glad the weather held out for you.

Lyn said...

Happy anniversary to you two. What a beautiful way to spend your special day together! You are so blessed to have each other! Congradulations.