Sunday, November 16, 2008

Lilian was teaching a Precept Bible Study Class on Saturday morning and so I ended up babysitting Reuben on my own! I don't often do this and keeping an "almost 2" year old amused isn't easy! Played in the garden and took him for a walk around the houses. He found an underpass which he loved shouting in, (the echo fascinated him!) And I taught him to walk along a plank. (His mother will kill me!)

But some of his best fun was me throwing a ball high in the air for him! When he did it, the ball kept landing on his head!


Unknown said...

Do you think you will be allowed again? Reuben is just so beautiful.

Lindsay & Lilian said...

I don't know if I'll be allowed again. I have to prove I can change a nappy first! He is beautiful;- I see so much of me in him!!