Monday, August 13, 2007

Eventually arrived in Bangalore but without our luggage! BA promised they would forward it to Prem and Rita's. Didn't arrive until Monday morning, but BA gave us a credit card with about 3000 Rupees on it! As I was able to buy 3 coffees and 3 samosas for less than 100 rupees, (or about one pound sterling) it should last us for a while! Bangalore is a cacophony of sounds and smells. I thought I heard about a hundred mobile phones going off at once, but it turns out to be cars reversing. When they reverse they play a tune like a mobile phone. Probably necessary here as the driving is crazy here and people just reverse out into fast moving traffic, and come at you from all directions and on both sides of the road!
Prem and Rita took us to a flower show on Saturday at which there were tens of thousands of people and the most amazing displays of flowers fruit and vegetables.
India is working its way up to its 60th Independence Day celebrations and Indian flags are everywhere. Wednesday, Independence Day itself, is a public holiday

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